Monday, April 4, 2011

Babe Roof

So this job i have takes me to all sorts of "glamorous" locations most recently up on the roof.  To be specific multiple studio roofs, some many stories high.

Being acrophobic its not exactly the career i would have chosen for myself but its an honest living and it is forcing me to confront some of my demons including the one that taunts me about my life i get to wear some super hot lace up work boots and a hard hat...bonus!

The Roofwalker
By Adrienne Rich
Over the half-finished houses
night comes. The builders
stand on the roof. It is
quiet after the hammers,
the pulleys hang slack.
Giants, the roofwalkers,
on a listing deck, the wave
of darkness about to break
on their heads. The sky
is a torn sail where figures
pass magnified, shadows
on a burning deck.

I feel like them up there:
exposed, larger than life,
and due to break my neck.

Was it worthwhile to lay—
with infinite exertion—
a roof I can’t live under?
—All those blueprints,
closings of gaps
measurings, calculations?
A life I didn’t choose
chose me: even
my tools are the wrong ones
for what I have to do.
I’m naked, ignorant,
a naked man fleeing
across the roofs
who could with a shade of difference
be sitting in the lamplight
against the cream wallpaper
reading—not with indifference—
about a naked man
fleeing across the roofs.

No Brown M&Ms

My parrot's rider is as follows: "NO RED FOOD"

It doesn't matter if it is animal, vegetable or mineral she will either eat around it, scoop it out to litter the bottom of her cage or on the rare occasion she actually gets something red in her beak she goes through the elaborate process of dunking it into her water dish (creating a viscous au jus) mashing it up and flinging it onto the wall. 

In her defense it a fabulous representation of Abstract Expressionism and far be it for me to ever question the inner workings of an artistic mind.